To provide a safe and effective learning environment, all Junior Lifeguards are required to follow these rules:
- Memorize the “3 Rs” by week two of the program…Respect, Represent, Responsible!
- Demonstrate the “3 Rs” every day.
- Arrive on time, in uniform, with required gear in your issued backpack.
- Do not bring any valuables. (Examples: I-pod, jewelry, money, etc.)
- Cell phone use is not allowed during class time.
- A note is required from the JG’s parent/guardian for an absence or early departure.
- The JG uniform is only to be worn to, from, and during the JG Program.
- Respect the beach environment! Please always throw away your trash as well as any trash you see littering the area.
- Respect fellow Junior Lifeguards.
- Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.
- Be careful and respectful with JG equipment.
- Cussing and inappropriate hand gestures are never allowed.
- Answer all questions with “yes,” rather than “yeah,” “yep,” etc.
- Remain alert at all times and be responsible for your own safety.
- Always act immediately upon the request of instructors.
- Always use the “buddy system” (3 people).
- Always be polite, courteous, and respectful to all.
- Always be safe and follow the “rules of the road”.
- Always wear a properly secured helmet when riding bikes, no exceptions!
- Remember: Junior Lifeguards represent the City of Newport Beach.